Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Persuasive Writing: The Five-Step Writing Process

Congratulations! You have made it to day five of Persuasive Writing! Hip hip, hooray! If you are reading this, I have decided that you are ready to get down with the writing process!

Go on, pat yourself on the back!

------But guess what, you have already begun this wonderful process!------

It started with an idea, that turned into an outline, that can now be formulated into a web or graphic organizer.

Here are the steps of the writing process:

  X  Brainstorm- What do you want to do a persuasive writing piece on?

  X  Outline- Generate a brief outline on your claim, your three sub-topics and details for each.

  X  Research your topic. Use at least two credible sources.

  X  Web/Graphic Organizer: For this step you will fill in a graphic organizer using the information from your outline and research.

2. DRAFTING- Write
  X   Put the information into your own words. Share your voice!

  X   Construct complete sentences and form them into paragraphs. Remember, a paragraph is three-five sentences in length.

  X   Read your writing to yourself, at least one time out loud and one time silently.

3. REVISING- Make it Better
  X   Read it to yourself again.

  X   Make sure that you have complete sentences. Check for capital letters for the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns. Did you use the correct punctuation, especially at the ends of your sentences? Did you indent for each new sub-topic/paragraph?

  X   Add or take out parts as needed. Is your paper at least one page long?

  X   How is the flow? Does your paper flow smoothly, using at least one transition per paragraph?

4. PROOFREADING- Make it Correct

  X   Read it to yourself again.

  X   Peer Edit: Remember this? Fill out a peer edit sheet, on your own writing, and then have a peer read your paper and do the same.

  X   Read it to yourself again. Make all of the changes your peer has suggested, that make sense to you; ask questions.

  X   Did you read it again? Does it represent you, and your strong view on your topic? Will it persuade your reader?

  X   Re-type all changes that you have decided need to be made, and you will have your finished product!

5. PUBLISHING-Share the finished product
  X   Read it to the class.

  X   Create a Keynote/Powerpoint slideshow of your paper. Make it at least 3 slides in length, including the Sources page.

  X   Add photos that help illustrate your writing.

  X   Say in a loud voice, "I did it! I finished my persuasive writing and slideshow! Hip, hip, HOORAY!"

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