Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Class on 11/20/12

  • Click on any of the following links about Thanksgiving.

  • Read any of the articles about Thanksgiving. 
  • After you have finished reading, please write one paragraph about something you learned, and/or found interesting. I would like you to write your paragraph in the comment section below this post. 
  • Make sure you write at least three sentences, and double-check your grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Sign your name at the end, and remember to cite your source (copy the url under your post.)
  • If you wish, you may choose another educational website to do your Thanksgiving research, but you will need to cite your source.  If you do this, you must be certain that it is a reliable source (i.e. not Wikipedia).

Grammar Sites

If you arrive early to class and have all of the daily materials with you, you may use any of the following links to practice grammar with! Once again, some of these may seem juvenile, but they do contain 6th grade Language Arts topics and content.

Caution: If you are disruptive (i.e. your voice or computer volume is too loud) with these, you will not be permitted to use them when I am not present!